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Debate Event

Big questions (BQ)

Topic - Resolved: Belief in the supernatural is incompatible with belief in science.   Affirmative: Ahmed Al Nuaimi - Tascosa High School, TX. Negative: Talia Askenazi - Arlington High School, MA. Askenazi won on a 5-4 decision. 

Event Description

Big Questions (BQ) is a debate format supported by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation. In Big Questions debate, students grapple with complex worldview questions concerning the intersection of science, philosophy, and religion. Debaters may choose to debate individually or with a partner. At any given tournament, there may be rounds that are one-on-one, two-on-one, or two-on-two. Big Questions topics last all year from August to June.


  • Affirmative Constructive 5 minutes
  • Negative Constructive 5 minutes
  • Question Segment 3 minutes
  • Affirmative Rebuttal 4 minutes
  • Negative Rebuttal 4 minutes
  • Question Segment 3 minutes
  • Affirmative Consolation 3 minutes
  • Negative Consolation 3 minutes
  • Affirmative Rationale 3 minutes
  • Negative Rationale 3 minutes

*Each team is entitled to three minutes of prep time during the round.

The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

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