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platform Event

original oratory

(Above) Esther Oyetunji, American Heritage Palm Beach High School Original Oratory, "The Tragic School Bus"  2023 National Speech and Debate Association (

Event Description

Students deliver a self-written, ten-minute speech on a topic of their choosing. Limited in their ability to quote words directly, Original Oratory (OO) competitors craft an argument using evidence, logic, and emotional appeals. Topics range widely, and may be informative or persuasive in nature. The speech is delivered from memory.


Time limit, inclusive of introduction, is 10 minutes with a 30 second “grace period”. Should the performer go beyond the grace period they may not be ranked 1st.

The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

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