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Student Congress

Arkansas high schools and colleges are invited to send a student delegation to the 2024 Arkansas Student Congress, which marks the 56th year of Arkansas Student Congress. This year’s Student Congress will be held at Episcopal Collegiate School (1701 Cantrell Road) and the Arkansas State Capitol Building (500 Woodlane Street) Sunday, November 10th to Tuesday, November 12th, 2024.

About Student Congress

Arkansas Student Congress is the oldest model legislative event in the state. Established in 1968, the event provides a unique opportunity for both high school (House) and college (Senate) students to simulate the representative democratic process at a state-wide level. For over 50 years, ACTAA has hosted this tournament, which includes the opportunity for students to participate in mock party caucuses, committees, and floor debates over student written legislation. On Sundays of the tournament, parties, caucuses, and committee meetings are held at a chosen location in Little Rock. Monday & Tuesday of the tournament, students debate original student legislation on the House & Senate floor in the State Capitol Building.


Entry forms and bills to be submitted must be submitted via Google Form to the Congress Director by Wednesday, September 25, 2024. You will receive an automatic confirmation of your submission and a follow up from the Congress Director within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation, we did not receive your entry.


    • Entry and Bill Submission: September 25, 2024
    • Student Congress: November 10-12, 2024


All delegations must be sponsored and accompanied by an active member of ACTAA. Coaches are to remain on site with students during the entirety of the competition. Each coach is responsible for the Student Congress rule compliance of their delegation. Colleges may enter a maximum of eight delegates; high schools may enter a maximum of six delegates. If you have any students wishing to run for office, candidates must be declared on the digital entry form. Entries must be submitted on time. Each allowable change made after September 25th will be assessed a $10 change fee for each name. There will also be a $10 judge drop fee assessed after that date. Please note: Entries require delegate names by September 25th, not merely “Entry A”. A student cannot be changed from one House to another after this date. At registration, the only names that can be added are those of students who are completely replacing entry form delegates. Once Congress begins, NO SUBSTITUTIONS are allowed for any reason. Delegations must operate with only the registered delegates. Fees will be assessed for any changes requested after September 25th . Additionally, if a delegation drops entirely after the registration deadline, there will be a $50 administrative fee assessed. Colleges may enter a maximum of four bills; high schools may enter a maximum of three, with the author/co-author assigned to the same house as their bill. Bills not in compliance with the rules will not be included in the bill book.

Digital Entry Form


The entry fee for high schools is $200 and colleges/universities is $240 per delegation. Fees are payable upon the completion of the registration form or when Congress begins on Sunday. Fees are payable online at or by mail to ACTAA Executive Treasurer, 1818 N. Taylor St., Ste. B #307, Little Rock, AR 72207. If this is not possible for your delegation, please make arrangements with the Congress Director. Please request checks now!

Important documents

The following additional information about Arkansas Student Congress:

2024 Student Congress Schedule

Digital Entry Form

Parliamentary Procedure Reference Sheet

2024 Student Congress By-Laws*

*The rules of the competition, which should be read and printed before completing your entry. Rule changes were adopted by the membership at Fall Conference on September 21 during the General Business Meeting.

Legislative Docket

Colleges may enter a maximum of four bills; high schools may enter a maximum of three, with the author/co-author assigned to the same house as their bill. Bills not in compliance with the rules will not be included in the bill book. Entry forms and bills to be submitted must be submitted via Google Form to the Congress Director by Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Bill must be student sponsor's original work and may not be topic that is included in the 2023 Student Congress Short Title list or the ACTAA Congressional Debate Fall Docket. Following the deadline, the Student Congress Committee will publish the Bill Book that will include assignments and the legislative docket for each chamber.

Bill Writing Instructions & Template**

ACTAA Sample Bill

2023 Student Congress Short Titles 

ACTAA Fall 2024 Congressional Debate Docket

2024 Arkansas Student Congress Bill Book

**Should you decide to attend Student Congress, your completed digital entry form (including bill uploads), must be submitted online.


If sponsors are NOT YET members of ACTAA, they must join! Remember membership runs from August to August. If you have not joined and would like to, please include full name/address (school and home, email) and a check made out to “ACTAA” for $50, and your membership will be forwarded to the Treasurer.

Apply for ACTAA Membership


Sessions will be held at Episcopal Collegiate on Sunday and in the State Capitol Building on Monday and Tuesday. Congress Headquarters and Tab Room will be located on the first floor of the State Capitol; the Coaches Lounge location will be announced at the Coaches meeting on Sunday evening.

We will have a dinner break from 6:00-7:00 pm on Sunday evening. There are a number of nearby, quick options. Please consult the concierge list for more information.


Campaigning before the start of Congress is strictly prohibited. Students are not allowed to communicate about Student Congress with students of a different school prior to 12:00 pm Sunday, November 10th. During Congress, do not post materials on walls. Handouts, posters on easels, and other temporary options are encouraged. Please remove all discarded and leftover materials. Pages may not campaign but may wear stickers or other campaign material.


We will be allowing laptop computers for internet use in round for research purposes ONLY. Students may not communicate with coaches or competitors or other persons during session. Proper use will be monitored by the Student Congress Committee and pages. Any student found inappropriately accessing the internet during competition at any point will be immediately disqualified and forfeit all points.


This year, we are pleased to offer a curated list of local hotels, restaurants, sites, and attractions. Please see following link for information.


    • Martene Campbell – ACTAA Student Congress Permanent Director
    • Leigh Walters – Student Congress Director
    • Jessica Skordal– Co-Director
    • Antha Johnson
    • Dustin Jackson
    • Jenny Moses – Tabulation
    • Joe Kieklak – Immediate Past Director
Contact the committee

The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

ACTAA 1818 N Taylor St, Ste B. #307 Little Rock, AR 72207 | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

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