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Oral Interpretation Event


(Above) Colby Barradas & Walker Green, Pratt High School, performing an original improvisational performance.  2021 Central Kansas League Finals. (

Event Description

Improvised Duet Acting (IDA) is an improvised acting event composed of two students who portray an original scene created after drawing the subject. The scene should establish two characters, a situation or problem and a solution to the conflict. A brief narrated introduction shall be used in establishing the setting and the characters in the scene. Performers will draw three topics and choose one topic for performance. They prepare in the performance room, performers cannot leave once they select their topic. Performers will present topic slip to judges before performing. No costumes, props or makeup may be used during the performance. Only one chair per performer may be used. 


The time limit in Improvised Duet Acting is 7 minutes with a 30-second “grace period.” This includes both preparation and performance. If there are multiple judges in the round, all must agree that the students have gone beyond the grace period. Should students go beyond the grace period, the pair may not be ranked 1st. There is no other prescribed penalty for going over the grace period. The ranking is up to each individual judge’s discretion. Judges who choose to time are to use accurate (stopwatch function) timing devices. No minimum time is mandated.

The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

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