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Arkansas Communication & Theatre Arts Association

Founded in 1919 as the Arkansas Little Theatre Association, the Arkansas Communication & Theatre Arts Association (ACTAA) has a long history of promoting the rigorous study and ethical practice of professional communication, debate, and theatre arts as an essential discipline, life skill, and art form. Serving as a professional association of educators since 1934, ACTAA has provided the students of Arkansas opportunities to grow critical thinking skills, interpersonal effectiveness, leadership, collaborative work, problem-solving, self-efficacy, etc. in experiential learning through debate, forensics, acting, and public speaking instruction and competitions. 

Our Work

Throughout the years, ACTAA’s activities have included hosting the Arkansas State Forensics & Debate Championship Tournament (former Arkansas Speech Festival), sanctioning local qualifying invitations tournaments, Arkansas Student Congress, the Arkansas Journal of Communication Studies, and the development of National Speech & Debate Association and International Thespian Society chapters in Arkansas. In the 1980s, ACTAA was critical in advocating for communications and fine arts to be made requirements in Arkansas Academic Standards, and it continues to advocate for the importance of debate, forensics, acting, and public speaking as essential curricula.

  • Arkansas Academic Standards
  • Arkansas State Forensics & Debate Championship Tournament
  • Arkansas Student Congress
  • Communications Studies
  • Education Advocacy 
  • Scholarships
  • Speech & Debate Sanctioning (AAA)
  • Theatre Education

News & Updates

The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

ACTAA 1818 N Taylor St, Ste B. #307 Little Rock, AR 72207 | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

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