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How to Write an Outstanding Nomination

01 Jul 2024 11:15 AM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

Why should you submit a nomination?

Recognize outstanding contributions of ACTAA members who are transforming speech, debate & theatre through:

  • Exceptional leadership
  • Innovative ideas
  • Effective administration of events and services on campus
  • Leverage the work of speech, debate & theatre at an institutional level

How to submit a nomination?

  • Online nominations via Google Forms
  • Nomination Committee reviews

The How To on How To Write a Nomination:

The key to a well-written nomination is providing evaluators with specific information illustrating how the individual’s or group’s achievements have made a positive impact on. The number of examples is not as important as ensuring that the nominee’s (or nominees’) contributions match the specific award criteria, and that there are measurable results.

The selection committee relies on your words and examples to “see” your nominee’s attributes and contributions. They may not know anything about your nominee’s job, so detailed information is essential.

Before you write your nomination, carefully review the award nomination criteria to determine the most appropriate individual(s) or group’s you would like to nominate. Ensure the individual or group meets the nomination criteria before you begin. The best nomination are those that provide concrete details of the work of the individual or group.

Answer the “What” and “How”

  • What did the nominee do?
    • Projects and/or activities they did above and beyond normal expectations
    • specific examples
  • How did they do it?
    • Initiative and/or leadership
    • Teamwork
    • Behaviors and/or attitudes
  • What were the results and/or impacts?
    • What did the nominee accomplish
    • Are there specific benefits because of their work

Show the “Above and Beyond”

It’s one thing to report what a person did, but the committee would like to know if those accomplishments were the normal part of the person’s responsibilities or something more.

Don’t just say your nominee is outstanding – prove it!

It’s important to use specific and concrete examples to illustrate how your nominee meets each of the eligibility and award criteria. Provide examples of how your nominee has demonstrated outstanding character and is a deserving candidate. Avoid generalities and provide details wherever possible.

Closing Statement

Describe how others regard the nominee (e.g., recognized expert, progressive leader, or exceptionally innovative program). Consider mentioning major non-ACTAA awards and/or the nominee’s other education, community efforts, etc.

Gather input from others

Gather input from other colleagues or peers on your nominee’s achievements before you write the nomination. Have other colleagues or peers review the nomination for thoroughness and accuracy prior to submitting it.

The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

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