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Arkansas Speaks ACTAA Newsletter

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  • 22 Jul 2024 1:13 PM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

    June 10, ACTAA's website began a transition to a new look and organization that better supports the association's new branding and membership needs.

    The site is undergoing a restructure in phases. In June, the design was updated and priority pages were reformatted and republished. As we approach Fall Conference, Sep. 19-21, at Petit Jean Mountain, additional pages will be republished to the site as they are reformatted in sections.

    Members are encouraged to visit our site,, over the summer to check out updates and the addition of several new functionally components of the site.

    A few key items currently, available are:

    • Welcome (landing) page with live feeds of upcoming events, organizational news and donation (income) goals.
    • Updated Membership Application
    • Membership Directory (Members Only)
    • Governing Documents page
    • Dynamic ACTAA Calendar
    • Organizational News feed

    Over the next month, there will be links to forms and content blocks that might not be complete at the time of publishing, as pages are updated and tandem items (i.e., digital forms, documents, etc.) are developed during this process.

    One item we ask members to help verify is the ACTAA Calendar. We have transitioned the tournament calendar to the tool fully integrated in our website platform. Members are asked to help check the dates of events to verify the accuracy of the tournament schedule. The tournament schedule can be reviewed on the ACTAA Calendar or Tournament Calendar pages of the website.

    Thank you for your input and collaboration during this process.

  • 22 Jul 2024 9:58 AM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

    Captivating Community. As an organization, we must continue to grow by adapting to changing needs and environments. The focus of Fall Conference 2024 is to better engage as a community while learning in the rustic, natural surroundings of Petit Jean State Park. We will gather in different locations within a mile or two of one another. From Mather Lodge to the Visitor’s Center and finally to the Winthrop Rockefeller Center for our business meeting and luncheon. Fall Conference 2024 will be a rustic experience where we will rely on one another to know where we are going, literally and metaphorically.


    As with any event, there are multiple costs related. These fees cover facility rentals, meals, and other related costs to provide an enriching event. Register early to avoid fee increases. These must be passed along as vendors will charge us for late ordering.

    • College Student: $90.00
    • Early Registration (before 8/5/24): $195.00
    • Full Registration (8/6/24-9/2/24): $235.00
    • Late Registration (9/3/24): $300.00


    Mather Lodge has reserved several cabins and rooms for us at reasonable rates. NOTE: the rooms at Mather Lodge are very ‘cozy’. Cabin rooms are more spacious and comfortable. This will encourage us to gather in the many scenic and social spaces at the lodge or one another’s cabins.

    • Lodge Rooms- $97.50
    • Lodge Small Cabin (has refrigerator)- $110
    • Lodge Cabin w/kitchen- $145.20

    If staying at Mather Lodge, you must reserve by August 20th. Otherwise, a room cannot be guaranteed. They cannot book Group Reservations online. Group #833387 should be used to make confirmation with our Lodge at 501-727-5431 (open 24 hours, 7 days a week)

    Learn more about Fall Conference. 

    Other lodging options near the conference.


  • 22 Jul 2024 9:33 AM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

    The following postings have been shared with ACTAA or recommended by Google Alerts. Please check the referenced school district's website for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

    Middle School Theater Teacher

    The Fayetteville Public Schools is seeking a Theater Teacher for the John L Colbert Middle School. Apply at:

    Technical Facilities Manager (non-teaching)

    The Cabot Public Schools is seeking a (non-teaching) Technical Facilities Manager for the High School. Apply at:

    Teacher/Technical Theatre Teacher

    The Cabot Public Schools is seeking a Teacher/Technical Theatre Teacher for the High School. Apply at:

    Spanish/Oral Communications Teacher

    The Palestine-Wheatley School District is seeking a Spanish/Oral Communications Teacher for the High School. Apply at:

    Professional Communication Teacher

    The Cabot Public Schools is seeking a Professional Communication Teacher for the Freshman Academy & High School. Apply at:

    Oral Communications/Drama Teacher

    The Vilonia School District is seeking an Oral Communications/Drama Teacher for the Vilonia High School. Apply at:

  • 21 Jul 2024 7:42 AM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

    At Summer Workshop President Tucker released the draft "ACTAA in Action Planning Document;" which outlines a series of initiatives and action items to the Board of Directors to prioritize and guide with work of the membership on how each discipline, each community, and each member can contribute to achieving our vision of a “future where every student in Arkansas has the opportunity to be transformed through participation in communication, debate, and theatre arts."

    The document is organized into four themes, or goals, of our action planning:

    • Reflect on our purpose.
    • Increase our impact.
    • Expand our voice.
    • Increase our ability to adapt.

    Please take time to review the "ACTAA in Action Planning Document" linked below to learn more about the action plan's themes and the type of strategies we can develop together. The action plan is designed to be a living document that is updated as members achieve strategies and needs shift. Members current and past have the opportunity through surveys, committee work, and forums to recommend strategies for each of the action plan’s four themes.

    ACTAA in Action Planning Document

    Submit an idea to the document.

  • 08 Jul 2024 6:10 PM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

    15 Arkansas students advanced elimination rounds at the National Speech & Debate Tournament hosted in Des Moines, Iowa, June 16–21, 2024.

    Rachael McCall from Cabot Junior High North won first place in the Original Spoken Word Poetry in the middle school, becoming the first student from Arkansas to earn a national championship title at a National Speech & Debate Association national tournament (middle or high school) in state history

    More than 6,700 students from 1,500 schools competed in the tournament, which is the largest speech & debate competition in the nation.

    In addition to McCall, the following students advanced to elimination rounds at the tournament:

    • Nora Shitandi from Har-Ber High School advanced to semifinals in Original Oratory.
    • Emma Durham & Logan Hale James from Cabot High School advanced to the top 30 competitors in Duo Interpretation.
    • Nyasa Lovely from Russellville High School advanced to partial triple octofinals in Big Questions Debate.
    • Allison Frazier from Russellville High School advanced to octofinals in Extemporaneous Commentary.
    • Andrew Taylor from Don Tyson School of Innovation to quarterfinals in Extemporaneous Commentary.
    • Joie Willoughby from Little Rock Central High School to octofinals in Poetry.
    • Bryce Veasman from Cabot High School advanced to to quarterfinals in Original Spoken Word Poetry
    • Hayden Xavier Mittlestat from Cabot High School advanced to Extemporaneous Debate to round seven.
    • Sophie Moody from Fayetteville High School advanced to octofinals in Prose.
    • Grace Haverstick from Cabot Junior High North advanced to semifinals in Poetry.
    • Logan Campos from Cabot Junior High South advanced to semifinals in Humorous Interpretation.
    • Raygan Grindley from Cabot Junior High North advanced to quarterfinals in Dramatic Interpretation.
    • Kaden Buckner from Cabot Junior High South advanced to octofinals in and named tenth place speaker in Lincoln Douglas Debate.


  • 01 Jul 2024 11:15 AM | Zackery Tucker (Administrator)

    Why should you submit a nomination?

    Recognize outstanding contributions of ACTAA members who are transforming speech, debate & theatre through:

    • Exceptional leadership
    • Innovative ideas
    • Effective administration of events and services on campus
    • Leverage the work of speech, debate & theatre at an institutional level

    How to submit a nomination?

    • Online nominations via Google Forms
    • Nomination Committee reviews

    The How To on How To Write a Nomination:

    The key to a well-written nomination is providing evaluators with specific information illustrating how the individual’s or group’s achievements have made a positive impact on. The number of examples is not as important as ensuring that the nominee’s (or nominees’) contributions match the specific award criteria, and that there are measurable results.

    The selection committee relies on your words and examples to “see” your nominee’s attributes and contributions. They may not know anything about your nominee’s job, so detailed information is essential.

    Before you write your nomination, carefully review the award nomination criteria to determine the most appropriate individual(s) or group’s you would like to nominate. Ensure the individual or group meets the nomination criteria before you begin. The best nomination are those that provide concrete details of the work of the individual or group.

    Answer the “What” and “How”

    • What did the nominee do?
      • Projects and/or activities they did above and beyond normal expectations
      • specific examples
    • How did they do it?
      • Initiative and/or leadership
      • Teamwork
      • Behaviors and/or attitudes
    • What were the results and/or impacts?
      • What did the nominee accomplish
      • Are there specific benefits because of their work

    Show the “Above and Beyond”

    It’s one thing to report what a person did, but the committee would like to know if those accomplishments were the normal part of the person’s responsibilities or something more.

    Don’t just say your nominee is outstanding – prove it!

    It’s important to use specific and concrete examples to illustrate how your nominee meets each of the eligibility and award criteria. Provide examples of how your nominee has demonstrated outstanding character and is a deserving candidate. Avoid generalities and provide details wherever possible.

    Closing Statement

    Describe how others regard the nominee (e.g., recognized expert, progressive leader, or exceptionally innovative program). Consider mentioning major non-ACTAA awards and/or the nominee’s other education, community efforts, etc.

    Gather input from others

    Gather input from other colleagues or peers on your nominee’s achievements before you write the nomination. Have other colleagues or peers review the nomination for thoroughness and accuracy prior to submitting it.

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The Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization serving educators of Communication, Debate, Forensics and Theatre Arts in Arkansas.

ACTAA 1818 N Taylor St, Ste B. #307 Little Rock, AR 72207 | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

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